Thursday, January 10, 2008

Anime - Part 1

It is simple human nature to enjoy cartoons because everyone knows that cartoons are a way of escaping the bland reality of everyday life. They are typically made available by a magical day called Saturday where even those with basic cable get a small taste of the true entertainment of animated critters. Unfortunately there are tasteless programs that completely soil the name of any cartoon. These abominations are known only as "anime".

Anime, according to, is traditionally defined as hand-drawn, but computer assited techniques have become more common in recent years. The subjects of anime represent most major genres of fiction, and anime is available in most motion-picture media (television broadcast, DVD and VHS distribution, and full length motion pictures).

The Japanese had a great financial idea of reducing the number of frames by only animating mouths and disregarding the fact that limbs may move too. To portray motion, a blurred, scrolling background is cheaply integrated into the scene while the character is fixed in an aggressive position as if charging at an opponent. The characters are generally clothed in a robe-like attire and slightly resemble ninjas. For those who don't know, ninjas are sent down by the ninja gods to rid the world of its evils and they are commonly seen wearing black but it is completely unnecessary. Anyone who knows ninjas would know a ninja could totally kill you ten times before you saw him. These cartoon ninjas do not wear ninja hoods for the sole purpose of flashing off their ridiculous hairdos that often resemble a hat of bananas. This could only be expected because of the lack of knowledge of what us on the other side of Pearl Harbour look like. It's understandable because you will never see a blond Asian. Ever. Back to the point: Instead of offending us on the other side of the pond with generalizing portrayals, producers and artists of such programs should fly across with all that money they save by cheaping out in the animations and study what the best of us look like.

Speaking of the best of us, there is an increasingly common breed rising among the North American population. These types are commonly referred to as "nerds". These people can be defined as individuals reluctant to engage in physical activity but rather intellectual activities such as playing Halo or WOW, doing homework, or reading.

Incidentally, today's subject is surprisingly popular with today's nerd. The evidence is shown in his and yes, even her choice of attire and literature preferences. Let me explain:

I was walking to Human Performance class to get ripped and on my way there I noticed a fellow being covered by a trench coat wielding frameless shaded glasses, crouched into a corner apparently "gaming" online against others of his kind. After third period I made my way to the cafeteria to get something to satisfy my urge to eat meat and I noticed a long line outside a classroom door. Personally, I am curious and often like to involve myself in any opportunity that happens to come my way. As I neared the mysterious line, I started getting a feeling that I did not belong and I smelled a hint of fear in the air. They were safe from whatever was scaring them when a teacher walked by and casually unlocked the door to the computer lab. Just as soon as this happened it had become evident that their eagerness was only a result of a case known as separation anxiety as they b-lined their way to the nearest swivel chair. There was a familiarity with the sight of these kids and I had made the connection by remembering those offensive Saturday morning cartoons. Their greasy hair and attempts at emulating the perfect banana basket had roused my discovery that there may be a relation between nerds and anime.

Could this form of entertainment claim individuals into a new reluctance or resistance to social life? Stay tuned for part two which will cover more including attacks at porn and literature.



Anonymous said...

wat the fuck is this bullshit.

QNev said...

Somebody's gotta work on their spelling. Tsk tsk.

Squiggly_P said...

You point out a few of the general stereotypes of anime, but to dismiss the artform so broadly is like saying "i don't like spinach, therefore i don't like food." There ARE a lot of cheesy worthless anime out there, just like there are cheesy shitty bands out there. But some of it is good.

Grave of the Fireflies, Anything by Studio Ghibli, Akira, Robot Carnival etc. I don't 'like' a lot of anime out there, like Dragonball, Naruto, Trigun, etc which are fairly popular here, but there are gems to be seen buried under all that crap.

Anonymous said...

Anime is a form of cartoons, easy to tell that. But the thing is that it is the worst type of cartoon out there. The cartoons have very little good animation, which you would not expect for a name "anime." It doesn't matter how many types there are, all anime is crap.