Thursday, January 10, 2008

An Introduction

Hey there. My name is Quintan Neville and I like to write. I also like to talk about anything that pops into my head. Anyone who knows me knows that I am one with very little thought process towards expressing an idea and that when I express ideas, I do not skimp on detail. I will never hesitate to start an argument and will persist on drawing negative attention to a subject if it is not worthy of my acceptance.

It's a new year and I thought I might as well do something productive with my urge to argue so I decided to vent it via the internet so those who do not appreciate my views can't kick my ass. Seventeen years has been enough time to realize what is going on in the world and what irritates me about everyday life. I figured I might as well draw attention to some of my personal pet-peaves and make them public, so you, the reader, will know what or what not to do in the event of confrontation and how to not aggravate the average Joe's basic instinct of irate.

Damn-near everything in the world is worthy of scrutiny which is why I wrote this blog. Lots of events, people, feminists and other various nouns tend to piss me off. So as a quick warning, if you are easily offended, or, in rare cases, cannot stomach what you read, get your candy ass back to MySpace and make friends with some recent pop-punk music groups. I've got some blogs to write so stay tuned.
